- Joint agInnovation South/ARD meetingMarch 25-28 in Lexington, KY
- Fall agInnovation Meeting September 22-25th in Raleigh, NC
- April 17-20, agInnovation South Spring Business Meeting and SRCC Meeting –Mississippi State University
- August 9-10 Joint ARD and agInnovation South Meeting- Atlanta Airport Marriott
- September 24-26 Fall Business Meeting- Grand Rapids Michigan
- September 28 agInnovation South Fall Business Meeting Agenda
- May 16-19, 2022 Southern Mini Land-Grant Meeting
- September 28, 2021 agInnovation South Fall Meeting Minutes
- April 20-22, 2020- Zoom Meeting Agenda
- April 20-22, 2020 Zoom Meeting Minutes and Recordings
- September 25, 2019 – agInnovation South Fall Meeting Minutes
- September 10-11, 2019 Southern Region Academic Programs and Experiment Station Directors Joint Meeting
- March 18-21, 2019 agInnovation South Spring Meeting Minutes
- March 20, 2019, Southern Mini Land-grant Joint Session Presentations
- October 2, 2018 agInnovation South Fall Meeting Minutes
- April 2-5, 2018 agInnovation South Spring Meeting Minutes
- September 26, 2017 agInnovation South Fall Meeting Notes
- April 24-27, 2017 Joint ASRED/agInnovation South Spring Meeting
- September 20, 2016 Meeting Minutes
- September 7-8, 2016 Southern Region Academic Programs and Experiment Station Directors Joint Meeting
- April 25-28, 2016 Meeting Minutes
- October 1, 2014 Meeting Minutes
- September 10-11, 2014 Southern Region Academic Programs and Experiment Station Directors Joint Meeting
- March 31-April 3, 2014 Meeting Minutes
- September 25, 2013 Meeting Minutes
- September 10 – 11, 2013 Southern Region Academic Programs and Experiment Station Directors Joint Meeting
- April 1-4, 2013 ASRED/agInnovation South Joint Meeting Minutes
- Septermber 24, 2012 Meeting Minutes
- September 18-19, 2012 Southern Region Academic Programs and Experiment Station Directors Joint Meeting
- March 26-29, 2012 Meeting Minutes
- September 25, 2006 Meeting Minutes
- July 20, 2006 agInnovation South Create 21 Conference Call Minutes
- April 2-5, 2006 Meeting Minutes
- October 3, 2005 Conference Call Meeting Minutes
- April 3-6, 2005 Joint ASRED/agInnovation South Meeting Minutes
- September 27, 2004 Meeting Minutes
- March 29 – March 31, 2004 Joint agInnovation South/NCRA Meeting Minutes
- September 22, 2003 Meeting Minutes
- March 31 – April 2, 2003 Meeting Minutes
- March 31 – April 1, 2003 Joint agInnovation South/ASRED Meeting Minutes
- August 5, 2001 Meeting Minutes
- August 6, 2001 Joint agInnovation South/ASRED Meeting Minutes
- April 1-4, 2001 Meeting Minutes
- August 15, 2000 Meeting Minutes
- August 14, 2000 Joined agInnovation South/ASRED Meeting Minutes
- May 7-11, 2000 Meeting Minutes
Older Meetings
- August 16-17, 1999 Meeting Minutes
- April 10-13, 1999 Meeting Minutes
- February 1, 1999 agInnovation South Planning Meeting Minutes
- August 8-9, 1998 Meeting Minutes
- April 19-22, 1998 Meeting Minutes
- February 2, 1998 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
- June 29, 1997 agInnovation South Meeting Minutes
- June 30, 1997 Joint AES/CES Meeting Minutes
- April 13-16, 1997 Meeting Minutes
- February 28, 1997 Meeting Minutes
- February 3, 1997 Meeting Minutes
- January 22, 1997 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
- November 16, 1996 Executive Committee Meeting
- August 23, 1996 Executive Committee Meeting Mintues
- July 13-14, 1996 Meeting Minutes
- July 14, 1996 Joint Meeting with Extension Minutes
- April 21-24, 1996 Meeting Minutes
- February 6-7, 1996 Meeting Minutes
- November 11, 1995 Meeting Minutes
- July 16, 1995 Meeting Minutes