agInnovation South 2021 Spring Business Meeting

April 20-22, 2021
Zoom Meeting

Action Items Day 1:

1  Agenda– Approved
 Fall 2020 Meeting Minutes– Approved
 Interim Actions– Approved
4  S-9 budget- Budget will be finalized and shared with COOs for vote at a later date. UPDATE: per electronic vote, the S-009 FY 2022 budget request of $511,570 to include salary increases of $1,149 to the base was Approved.
5  S1074 project will be submitted to the Science and Tech Committee as the Southern  Region nomination for the national Award- Approved

 Vote to keep “S” project number the same for consistency when up for renewal unless the project has changed significantly- Approved

8  A survey will be created and sent regarding topics for discussion at the 2022 Mini Land-grant Meeting.
10  Resolution honoring Donna Pearce for her 17 years of service to agInnovation South.
agInnovation South Excellence in Leadership Award Presented to Keith Owens.

Action Items Day 2:

1  agInnovation South will compile a list of AAAS Fellows.
It is recommended that “Emerging Areas” be a topic for the fall agenda every year.
The power point slides will be shared in the meeting minutes online.
2  Three Action Items from the workshop:

  • Supporting a conference grant being led by Brenda Ortiz and Kati Migliaccio- if interested in participating, contact Brenda Ortiz.
    • This wont be the only conference developed.
  • Building a list of faculty liaisons- not just engineering or robotics fields.
  • Supporting regional collaborations through a multistate project effort: Daniel Lee is leading that effort.  Faculty should reach out to him.

 Action Items Day 3:

1 agInnovation South Office to reach out to communication liaisons for follow-up meeting for further discussions.
  agInnovation South Office to create and send a survey as a follow-up of the meeting
  • The FY2022 budget proposal was approved pending determination of annual compensation adjustments.
  • Future agInnovation South annual budgets will be based on the fiscal year from July 1 – June 30.
  • The procedure for spending “carry-forward” funds for special projects or other expenses outside of the approved budget will be as follows: Executive Director consults with the Executive Committee before bringing the proposal to the COOs. Decisions will be made by a simple majority of the COOs responding to the request.
  • The Chair was asked by the COOs to inquire about annual compensation protocols at the other regional associations for executive directors and program coordinators.

Agenda, Meeting Minutes and Recordings

Day 1 (Click anywhere on the video to view the recording):

Participants: JF Meullenet, Michael Salassi, Said Mostaghimi, David White, Reuben Moore, Doug Karcher, Lesley Oliver, Nathan Slaton, Bob Godfrey, Keith Owens, Rob Gilbert, Robert Houtz, Paula Agudelo, John Andrae, Steve Lommel, Nathan McKinney, Bob Stougaard, Randy Raper, Jerry Frankhauser, Susan Duncan, Henry Fadamiro, David Ragsdale, Tim Rials, Damian Adams, Michael Toews
Executive Directors Office: Gary Thompson and Cindy Morley
Other Guests: Gary Jackson – ASRED Representative, Kevin Kephart-NIFA Liaison, Don Jones- Cotton Inc., Caron Gala- APLU

9:00-11:30 CT
10:00-12:30 ET
Tuesday April 20, 2021 – Session 1
9:00 CT/10:00 ET 1 Welcome and Introductions – J.F. Meullenet
Review agenda
Review/Approve minutes from September 29, 2020 Meeting (see September minutes HERE)
Approve Interim Actions (see Interim Actions HERE)
(Minutes 1-13 in recording)
9:20 CT/10:20 ET 2 NIFA Report – Kevin Kephart, NIFA Liaison (Minutes 13-43 in the recording)

In meeting Discussion:

There is no guidance yet regarding “Travel Status” for NIFA employees.  If multistate groups would like to meet in person, NIFA employees can only participate via Zoom for the foreseeable future.

9:40 CT/10:40 ET 3 Cotton Winter Nursery and CottonGen Database Report –Don Jones (See Report  HERE)
(Minutes 44-52 in the recording)
Questions on “Written Only” ESCOP Committee Reports:

  • Budget & Legislative Committee Report – Steve Lommel
  • Communication & Marketing Committee Report – JF Meullenet
  • Science & Technology Committee Report – Susan Duncan
  • Diversity Catalyst Committee Report – Henry Fadamiro

(See ESCOP reports HERE) (Minutes 52- 1:09 in recording)

9:55 CT/10:55 ET 4 S-009: Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Utilization – Bob Stougaard
(See report HERE) (Minutes 1:09- 1:14 in recording)

In Meeting Discussion:

  • Due to salary increases at the University of Georgia for some staff, there will be some impact to the budget.  Propose to raise the assessment or the salary increases will have to come out of the operating expenses.
  • Budget will be finalized and shared with COO’s for vote at a later date.
  • There was a recommendation by the Plant Germplasm committee that the Southern Ag Experiment Station Directors have a meeting in Griffin GA so they can view the facilities.
10:05 CT/11:05 ET 5 MRC Report – Nathan McKinney
(See report HERE) (Minutes 1:15- 1:28 in recording)

In Meeting Discussion:

  • We had two very good nominations for the “Excellence” award, but S1074 project will be submitted to the Science and Tech Committee as the Southern Region nomination for the national Award- Approved.  This project had a little more impressive outputs, measured impacts, more granular detail, and followed the format a little more closely.
  • Discussion regarding the Numbering system: Why do we give new numbers when a project renews? Each Region handles the numbering system differently.  There is no “requirement” we change the numbers.  Unless there is a major change in objectives, we will keep the project number the same for clarity going forward.  (Voted on via zoom poll).
10:10 CT/11:10 ET 6 Executive Director’s Report – Gary Thompson
(See Report HERE) (Minutes 1:28- 1:46 in the recording)
10:30 CT/11:30 ET 7 agInnovation South Budget Presentation – JF Meullenet
(See Budget HERE) (Minutes1:46-1:57 in the recording)

In Meeting discussion:

  • Discussion regarding the amount of carry-over that is needed.  Agreed that the assessments will need to be raised at some point in the future but not sure when that will be.·
  • Will discuss further in Executive Session.
10:40 CT/11:40 ET 8 Upcoming Meetings:

  • 2021 ESS Annual Meeting – Sept 26-Oct1, 2021 – Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows
  • 2022 Southern Mini Land-Grant Meeting – May 17-19, 2022 – TAMU
    • Discuss Joint meeting topics

(See Mini Land-Grant update (HERE) (Minutes 1:57-2:07 in recording)

In Meeting Discussion and Actions:

  • ESS meeting- it is planned to be in-person but a hard decision has not been made yet.  That decision will be made in June.
  • Mini Land-grant: Gary will create a survey about topics for joint sessions and will send to membership.  Our Joint Sessions will be with ASRED, CARET, ARD and Southern APS.
10:55 CT/11:55 ET 9
Agricultural Research Infrastructure Advocacy (ARIA) and other National Issues
(See ARIA report HERE) (Minutes 2:07- 2:25 in recording)

In Meeting Discussion:

  • ARIA- rollout at the Rebuild Rural Coalition meeting, however discussion behind the scenes has been happening for a while.
  • This isn’t a budget appropriation request and we wouldn’t be able to accomplish this through the normal appropriations process.
  • Seeking a Senate Republican Champion right now.  If members have interacted with Senators who might be interested in championing this, the APLU is interested in coordinating with them.
  • If these funds come to degree-granting institutions, it will leave a lot of our Experiment Stations out.  It is important that the language does not require “degree-granting”.
  • A lot of emphasis on teaching space, but that doesn’t help us.  We need research space and often don’t have dedicated teaching spaces in our research facilities.
  • Gordian Report was an exceptional tool to help develop the request.
  • Conversations regarding equitable discussion of funds happening at the ED level.
  • From Caron Gala:
11:20 CT/12:20 ET 10 Resolutions – Lesley Oliver

  • Resolution honoring Donna Pearce for her 17 years of service to agInnovation South

agInnovation South Excellence in Leadership Award Presentation – JF Meullenet

  • Award presented to Keith Owens

(Minutes 2:25-2:30 in Recording)

11:30 CT/12:30 ET Adjourn for the day


Day 2 (Click anywhere on the video to view the recording):

Participants: Randy Raper, JF Meullenet, Lesley Oliver, Bob Godfrey, David White, Nathan Slaton, Steve Lommell, Rob Gilbert, Keith Owens, Jerry Frankhauser, Michael Toews, Robert Houtz, Reuben Moore, David Ragsdale, Doug Karcher, Nathan McKinney, Henry Fadamiro, Paula Agudelo, Greg Pate, John Davis, Susan Duncan, Mike Salassi, Damian Adams, Said Mostaghimi, Wes Burger
Executive Directors Office: Gary Thompson and Cindy Morley
Other Guests: Gary Jackson- ASRED Representative
Faculty Guests: Tom Burks, Aurelie Poncet, Jacob Jones, Qing Charles Cao, Yang Zhao, Z.-Y. Cheng, Chris Reberg-Horton, Song Li, Ashley Dowling, Benjamin Reading, Yin Bao, Ryan Reuter, Alex Thomasson, Ross Sozzani, Becky Trout Fryxell, John Tracy, Kang Xia, Hao Gan, Khoa Luu, Ken Macklin, Kendall Kirk, Tim Young, Cranos Williams, Daniel Lee, Di Tian, Gopal Kakani, Jeyam Subbiah, John Andrae, Juan Landivar, twang46, Adam Baker, Niki Labbe, Phil Alderman, Bulent Koc, Joe Mari Maja, Neelendra Joshi, Philip G. Crandall, Brenda Ortiz, Kati Migliaccio, Luciano Shiratsuchi, Ed Barnes – Cotton Incorporated, Sindhu Jagadamma, Thanos Gentimis, Akinbode Adedeji

9:00-11:30 CT
10:00-12:30 ET
Wednesday April 21, 2021 – Session 2
9:00 CT/10:00 ET 1 Welcome – J.F. Meullenet

agInnovation South Strategic Planning Work Session – Gary Thompson and Working Group
(See Draft Strategic Roadmap HERE, & 1 pager HERE See Power Point Slides HERE)
(Minutes 2- 1:26 in Recording)

In Meeting Discussion:

  • Overall feedback: nice general roadmap and support for the concept of implementation teams and evaluate on a yearly basis.
  • “Stakeholders” is a conversation that needs to be on-going.  Who are we serving?  Hard to say what we should be doing if we don’t know who we are serving.
  • This entire document is a living document.
  • “Coop-e-tition”
  • The southern region has many fewer projects than other regions.
  • agInnovation South can compile list of AAAS fellows to assist in Focus Area 3
  • Poll results- ready to move to the Implementation Phase.
  • Possible need for more than one Implementation Team.
    • We won’t be doing everything every year
    • Team make-up is still TBD
  • The Annual Action Plan needs to be on the agenda for every Fall meeting.  Also look at: where we have been, where we are going, what are the emerging areas and do we have the resources to focus on it, etc.
  • Is there a need to look at this Roadmap and see how it aligns with Strategic Plans developed/being developed at the institutional level? Each Experiment Director can look at this to highlight those areas of alignment.
10:30 CT/11:30 ET 2 Opportunities for Cross-Institutional Collaborations in Artificial Intelligence Damian Adams
(Minutes 1:31-2:30 in Recording)

  • Guest Speakers: Katie Migliaccio, Ed Barnes, Steve Thomson
  • Ag QuickCAST Document HERE

Power point presentations HERE, Chat discussion -HERE
In Meeting Discussion

  • Three Action Items from the workshop:
    • Supporting a conference grant being led by Brenda Ortiz and Kati Migliaccio- if interested in participating, contact Brenda Ortiz
    • This wont the only conference developed.
    • Building a list of faculty liaisons- not just engineering or robotics fields.
    • Supporting regional collaborations through a multistate project effort: Daniel Lee is leading that effort.  Faculty should reach out to him.
  • Opportunities for cross-agency collaboration.
11:30 CT/12:30 ET Adjourn for the day


Day 3 (Click anywhere on the video to view the recording):

Participants: Bob Godfrey, Nathan McKinney, Lesley Oliver, Jerry Frankhauser, JF Meullenet, Henry Fadamiro, John Davis, Susan Duncan, Doug Karcher, Robert Houtz, Keith Owens, Michael Salassi, David White, Nathan Slaton, John Andrae, Paula Agudelo, Reuben Moore, Damian Adams, David Ragsdale, Steve Lommel, Randy Raper, Wes Burger, Tim Rials
Executive Directors Office: Gary Thompson and Cindy Morley
Other Guests: Steve Turner, & Rachel Welbourn (SRDC), Gary Jackson (ASRED), Tom Manaco (Small Fruit Consortium)
Communicators: Karen Brasher (MS), Patty McDaniels (TN), Mary Hightower (AR), Cassie Ann Kiggen (GA), Richard Campbell (NC), Lydall Stout (OK), Alisa Boswell-Gore (OK), Zeke Barlow (VA), Laura Skillman (KY), Jonathan Veit (SC), Ruth Borger (FL), Frankie Gould (LA), Faith Peppers NIFA.


9:00-11:40 CT
10:00-12:40 ET
Thursday April 22, 2021 – Session 3
9:00 CT/10:00 ET 1 Welcome – J.F. Meullenet

Southern Research Communicators Initiative – Gary Thompson

  • Guest Speaker: Faith Peppers, NIFA, (See Power Point Presentation HERE)
  • Other Guests: Communicators from each institution

(Minutes 1-1:00 in Recording)

In Meeting Discussion:

  • We discussed three questions during this session:
    • What are the opportunities and obstacles for working together to develop a regional message?
    • What topics are ripe for developing a regional communication activity and what products could be developed?
    • If we were to gather a year from now, what would you like to see different?
  • The agInnovation South Office will reach out to the Communication Liaisons to debrief and discuss next steps.
10:00 CT/11:00 ET 2 Southern Rural Development Center Update and Discussion – Steve Turner
(Minutes 1:02-1:15 in Recording)
See Power Point Presentation HERE
10:15 CT/11:15 ET 3 ASRED Update and Discussion– Gary Jackson
(Minutes 1:15- 1:24in Recording)
10:30 CT/11:30 ET 4 Best Practices Session: Southern Region Small Fruit Consortium, A Model for Regionally Integrated Activities – Steve Lommel and Guest Speaker Tom Monaco, Professor Emeritus NCSU-
See Power Point Presentation HERE
(Minutes 1:25- 2:03 in Recording)

In Meeting Discussion:

  • Florida interested in the consortium
  • There is interest in investigating a similar consortium with Vegetables
  • Could incorporate nuts into the fruit consortium



11:00 CT/12:00 ET General Adjournment (Except for COOs)
11:00 CT/12:00 ET ES Executive Session- ALL COOs

  • FY 22 agInnovation South Budget Discussion and Vote
  • Executive Director Performance Review

In Meeting Discussion/actions:

  • The FY2022 budget proposal was approved pending determination of annual compensation adjustments.
  • Future agInnovation South annual budgets will be based on the fiscal year from July 1 – June 30.
  • The procedure for spending “carry-forward” funds for special projects or other expenses outside of the approved budget will be as follows: Executive Director consults with the Executive Committee before bringing the proposal to the COOs. Decisions will be made by a simple majority of the COOs responding to the request.
  • The Chair was asked by the COOs to inquire about annual compensation protocols at the other regional associations for executive directors and program coordinators.
11:40 CT/12:40 ET Executive Session Adjourns