agInnovation South
Welcome to the website for the Southern Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors! This site’s purpose is to encourage collaboration among agricultural scientists in the South as well as inform the funders of agricultural research about research priorities, impacts, and status of projects.
News and Updates
New and Emerging Leaders Webinar- “Roles and Responsibilities of an Administrative Advisor”
Thank you all who joined us for this webinar Sep 8, 2021
AA Roles Webinar
New and Emerging Leaders Webinar- The Ins and Outs of NIMSS
Thank you all who joined us for this webinar June 9, 2021
NIMSS Slides
New and Emerging Leaders Webinar- “Making of the 2023 Farm Bill: Roles for SAES Directors”
Thank you all who joined us for this webinar 3/10/2021.
Farm Bill FINAL
New and Emerging Leaders webinar- “Making Practical Sense of APLU”
Thank you all who joined us for this webinar 12/9/2020.
APLU Alphabet soup

Dr. Gary A. Thompson, Ph.D.
agInnovation South Executive Director
Southern Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors
University of Arkansas Don Tyson Annex
2549 N. Hatch Ave.
Fayetteville, AR 72704

Cindy Morley
agInnovation South Program Coordinator
479-502-9545 (office)
479-422-1405 (cell)