agInnovation South
Summer Meeting, 2001
Myriad Convention Center
Oklahoma City, OK
Held In Conjunction with Southern Region Land-Grant Conference
August 5, 2001
agInnovation South: Jerry Arkin, GA Bill Brown, LA Jerry Cherry, GA D. C. Coston, OK Nancy Cox, MS Frank Gilstrap, TX Tom Helms, Exec. Dir. Robin Huettel, AL Richard Jones, FL |
Skip Jubb, VA Tom Klindt, TN Fred Knapp, KY Steven Leath, NC Roland Mote, TN Alberto Pantoja, PR Anna Marie Rasberry Calvin Schoulties, SC Vance Watson, MS Greg Weidemann, AR |
Bob Westerman, OKOther: Conrad Bonsi, ARD George Cooper, CSREES Sam Donald, ARD Stephen Kolison, ARD Terry Nipp, AESOP Sunil Pancholy, ARD |
Assignments and Action Items
Agenda Item 2: | Approved agenda, minutes, and interim actions. |
Agenda Item 3: | Approved concept of an “Award for Outstanding Contributions.” Executive Committee is to develop process and criteria. |
Agenda Item 5: | Consider needed changes and/or additions for regional representation on core committees. |
Agenda Item 6: | Review “Science Roadmap” and provide written comments by August 10. |
Agenda Item 12: | Dr. Helms will distribute an Indirect Cost Recovery survey to all directors. Dr. Cooper will find out which USDA agency manages check-off programs. |
Agenda Item 15: | Accepted invitation to hold 2003 spring meeting in Florida. |
Agenda Item 18: | In subsequent General Session, agInnovation South Chair William H. Brown and other section chairs were asked to work with Claude Evans, Oklahoma CARET representative, to determine the future of the land-grant conference. |
Time | Item# | Title and Presenter |
Sunday, August 5 (8:30-noon) | ||
8:30 | 1. | Call to Order – William H. Brown Approval of agenda, April meeting minutes, and Interim Actions |
2. | Approval of agenda, April meeting minutes, and Interim Actions – William H. Brown | |
3. | Award for Outstanding Contributions – Frank Gilstrap for Charles Scifres | |
4. | National Information Management Support System (NIMSS) – T. J. Helms | |
5. | Southern Region Representatives to ESCOP Core Committees – T. J. Helms | |
6. | ESCOP Science Roadmap – T. J. Helms | |
7. | ESCOP Multiple Activity Programs (MAPS) – T. J. Helms | |
8. | Proposed new NRSP: National Agricultural and Natural Resources Data Support System – T. J. Helms | |
9. | NRSP Review Process – George Cooper | |
10. | Resolution for Bobby Pass – William H. Brown for David Boethel | |
11. | New Director/Administrator Orientation, ESS meeting, and SAES/ARD Workshop – T. J. Helms | |
12. | Indirect Cost Recovery Survey – T. J. Helms | |
13. | ARD Report – Sam Donald | |
14. | ASRED Support – Tom Helms | |
15. | 2003 Spring Meeting – Tom Helms | |
16. | Reminder: 2002 Spring meeting in Savannah – Jerry Cherry | |
17. | Financial Review by State – William H. Brown | |
18. | Future of Land-Grant Meeting – D. C. Coston | |
19. | Appreciation to Oklahoma Hosts – William H. Brown |
Agenda Item 1.
Call to Order
Background: The annual summer meeting of the Southern Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors will be called to order by Chair, William H. Brown.
Action Requested: For information.
Agenda Item 2.
Approval of Agenda, April Meeting Minutes, and Interim Actions of Chair and Executive Committee
Agenda: All members were notified in advance of the meeting that agenda briefs were available on the Association homepage for review. Additions to the agenda will be considered.
Minutes of the April 1-4 meeting held in Baton Rouge, LA are on the homepage for review. Directors were notified in May of their availability.
Interim Actions of the Chair and Executive Committee are as follows:
- Appointed Richard Jones as Administrative Advisor to SERA-IEG-7, “Biology and Management of Peanut Insects and Other Arthropods” to replace Phil Utley.
- Asked Scott Smith to present Resolution of Appreciation plaque to Dr. Bobby Pass for his contributions regarding the integrated Pest Management Grants Program.”
- On recommendation of Multistate Research Committee, approved extension of DC99-01, “Genetic and Dietary Contributions to Obesity” to 2002.
- On recommendation of Multistate Research Committee, approved extension of S-280, “Mineralogical Controls on Colloidal Dispersion and Solid-Phase Speciation of Soil Contaminants” to 2003.
- On recommendation of Multistate Research Committee, approved extension of S-271, “Solid Phase Extraction Techniques for Pesticides in Water Samples” to 2002.
- Appointed Robert Shulstad as Administrative Advisor to SERA-IEG-30, “Southern Natural Resource Economics Committee,” replacing Lavaughn Johnson.
- Approved DC 01-01 entitled “Crop Resistance for Management of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture” to replace S-282, with Administrative Advisor Fred Knapp.
- Appointed Gerald Jubb as Administrative Advisor to a proposed project entitled, “Variety and Quality Evaluation of Virginia-type Peanuts.”
- Approved DC 01-02 entitled “Dynamic Soybean Pest Management for Evolving Agricultural Technologies and Cropping Systems” to replace S-281, with Administrative Advisor David Boethel.
Action Requested: Approval.
Action Taken: On motion/second by Drs. Coston/Cherry, the agenda, minutes, and interim actions were approved.
Agenda Item 3.
Award for Outstanding Contributions
Background: Dr. Scifres will lead discussions about a proposed award to be presented annually at the agInnovation South spring meeting to recognize superior contributions to the critical importance of research management to the Land Grant tradition in the Southern Region and the Nation. It is suggested that the recipient could be an active or retired director, deputy director, associate director, assistant director, or executive director meeting identified criteria, such as:
- Demonstrated untiring dedication toward achieving excellence of research in contributing to the Land-Grant ideal and mission;
- Provided a superb example of someone who exceeds the expectations and demands of research administration;
- (Other?)
Action Requested: For information.
Action Taken: On motion/second by Drs. Jubb/Gilstrap, the concept was approved for presentation of an Award for Outstanding Contributions, which would only be given for exceptional service to the Association. It is understood that the award will not necessarily be given every year. The Executive Committee will be responsible for determining the process and criteria for this award.
Agenda Item 4.
National Information Management Support System
Background: Programming has begun to convert the NE Region’s Information Management Support System to a national web-based system, the National Information Management Support System (NIMSS). The Office of the Executive Director and Drs. Nancy Cox and Eric Young are serving as members of the NIMSS Oversight Committee.
All of the information management processes contained in the system were derived directly from the National Guidelines for Multistate Research and from those processes that are unique to each SAES region. All of the reporting forms were fixed by existing national agreements. The database structure is specifically organized for efficient information management.
Full implementation of the NIMSS will require each regional association to conform their records to the databases. This will be a substantial commitment of effort, especially in those cases where records are not available in an electronic format, or when the organization and content of existing records do not match the specifications of the new National Guidelines for Multistate Research. This responsibility for revision of records and their input to the databases rests with the individual associations.
- April and May: Replace the original MicroSoft Access platform with Oracle.
- June: Demonstrate the Oracle-based IMSS to the entire Oversight Committee via a conference call, and on-line viewing of the system.
- June/July: Gather suggestions and concerns from the Oversight Committee.
- August: Executive Assistants meet face-to-face with Project Management personnel at the University of Maryland to discuss software modifications.
- Late Summer: Concurrently, each regional office will work independently to input data to the extent possible. Intermittent reports to be filed with the Oversight Committee, to keep them up-dated.
- Early September: Oversight Committee holds second conference call and on-line software demonstration to evaluate the progress on implementation, and to recommend any final fixes.
- Late September: Briefing given to the Experiment Station Section on completion of NIMSS implementation.
- October 1: System goes on-line.
Action Requested: Determine the kind(s) of training preferred by the Member Directors of agInnovation South.
Action Taken: [No actions were taken.]
Agenda Item 5.
Southern Region Representatives to ESCOP Core Committees
ESCOP Core Committees | Southern Representatives |
Budget and Legislative | Luther Waters (AL) Jerry Cherry (GA) |
Advocacy and Marketing | Jim Fischer (SC) C. A. Speer (TN) |
Science and Technology | Bill Brown (LA) Nancy Cox (KY) |
Partnerships | Charles Scifres (TX) Johnny Wynne (NC) D. C. Coston, Chair |
Planning | Jim Fischer (SC) Eric Young (NC) Eric Young, Chair |
Executive Committee | Richard Jones, Past ESCOP Chair Vance Watson, Senior Voting Member Tom Helms, Executive Director |
Action Requested: For information.
In-meeting discussion: It was noted that this is the appropriate time of the year (prior to ESS meeting in September) to change and/or add representation to the ESCOP core committees. Current committee representatives who wish to be replaced should notify the chair.
Agenda Item 6.
ESCOP Science Roadmap
Background: The 20 member Task Force commissioned by ESCOP for developing a science roadmap is making excellent progress on its assignment. The Task Force has identified seven challenges that agriculture will be facing in the next 10 to 20 years, and then formed four components for each challenge (i.e., 28 segments). Teams of writers from the Task Force then each drafted one of the 28 segments for the planned roadmap report. Those sections are now being integrated into a comprehensive document that may run to 70 to 80 pages. From this extensive look at the future of agricultural science a “4-pager” will be developed, for communicating the Task Force’s findings to the public and decision makers.
Care is being given to “crosswalk” the roadmap with related documents, such as the Food and Society Initiative and the CSREES White Papers, which build on the Secretary of Agriculture’s five announced priorities. Additionally, Tom Helms is conducting an RPA analysis of the seven challenges, to serve as a baseline of current investments, and to set the stage for projecting the resources that will be needed to accomplish the multiple objectives that are set out in the science roadmap.
We anticipate that the final draft of the comprehensive roadmap will be available for ESCOP’s review by late July. Consideration is now being given to having a distinguished panel of scientists (e.g., NAS, CAST) review the draft for content and scientific soundness. This might be done without too much delay, we hope.
We are targeting early September as the completion date for the “four pager”, with the understanding that delays may be encountered as we go through peer reviews and professional editing. The final comprehensive roadmap will likely be posted on the ESCOP web site, unless funding can be secured for a paper version. The “four pager” will be published as a paper document by NASULCG.
Action Requested: For information.
In-meeting discussion: All were encouraged to look over the draft of the Science Roadmap on the web at and provide written comments to David MacKenzie, NERA, by August 10.
Agenda Item 7.
ESCOP Multiple Activity Programs (MAPS)
Background: At the most recent meeting of the ESCOP Executive Committee (Denver, May ’01) a proposal was developed to address the apparent impasse we face with increasing formula funds. As we understand the issues, The White House would like to be able to trace any increases in the formula funds. Priority topic areas such as food safety, biotechnology, or environmental protection, while of interest to OMB, could not be traced as new outlays, according to a study done by CSREES staff. That study recommended linking financial outlays with institutional programs and the agency’s performance plan, a task not now possible. Moreover, ‘base-lining’ the current activities in a priority area was thought to be challenging.
To address this management need a proposal has been developed to create a series of multistate programs that align with current budget priorities, and are present within each region. Called MAPs (for Multiple Activity Programs), these functionally integrated, multistate, interdisciplinary entities would serve as the organizing frameworks for tracking any new funding (e.g., formula, competitive, special) and for reporting results and accomplishments. Individualization to regional and institutional needs would be encouraged through modification of the specific objectives within each region.
Four demonstration program proposals have been developed by the EDs. The four topics are those of the ’01 BOAA budget Committee initiatives. These draft documents have been shared with the CAC. Additionally, the EDs have met with the Administrator of CSREES to describe the concept, and solicit her support.
It is believed that the authority to create MAPS exists through the Multistate Research Fund legislation, and that the management of the MAPs through the regional associations would be cost effective.
Action Requested: For information.
Agenda Item 8.
Proposed new NRSP:
National Agricultural and Natural Resources Data Support System
Background: A proposal has been developed for establishment of a National Agricultural and Natural Resources Data Support System patterned after the agInnovation South-sponsored project. The proposal will be presented for approval during the upcoming Experiment Station Section meeting in September at Coeur d’Alene, ID.
Action Requested: For information.
In-meeting discussion: Several discussions arising regarding the new NRSP were:
- Who will provide intellectual leadership within the new NRSP? It was suggested that minimally, intellectual leadership would be provided by an oversight group. The new NRSP could be structured similar to NRSP-8.
- Administrative Advisors from each region would help determine priorities.
- Investigate possibilities of marketing the new NRSP activity to secure funding from multiple agencies.
Agenda Item 9.
NRSP Review Process
Action Requested:
In-meeting discussion: Traditionally, NRSPs are reviewed in their third year. This year, NRSP-3, -5, and -6 are eligible for review. A review of NRSP-3 will be conducted first and from that review, consistent guidelines will be developed for use with other reviews. Dr. Cosby will work with the Social Science Research Center on a portfolio analysis.
Agenda Item 10.
Resolution for Dr. Bobby Pass
Background: After discussion and approval at the April meeting, a Resolution of Appreciation for Dr. Bobby Pass was prepared and sent to Scott Smith for presentation to Dr. Pass. The resolution reads as follows:
Whereas, Dr. Bobby C. Pass, Head, Department of Entomology, University of Kentucky, has during his years of service as grants manager for the Southern Region, Integrated Pest Management Special Grants Program contributed greatly to the activities of the Southern Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors; andWhereas, Dr. Pass has provided leadership for integrated pest management in the United States, especially the Southern Region through his efforts to conduct an efficient, professional, ethical, and relevant special grant program in IPM and his efforts to illustrate the impact of pest management on improving our nation’s ability to produce food and fiber, protect human, pet, and livestock health, and protect structures from pest attack; and
Whereas, Dr. Pass has served the Land-Grant mission of the state of Kentucky, the Southern Region, and the United States with dedication and vision toward improving pest management to maintain a competitive, safe, profitable, efficient, and sustainable agriculture;
Now, Therefore Be It Resolved That The Southern Association Of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors, assembled in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, April 3, 2001 expresses sincere appreciation to Dr. Bobby C. Pass; and
Be It Further Resolved that the Chairperson of the Southern Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors be authorized and directed to transmit to Dr. Pass an appropriate copy of this resolution in honor of his leadership and contributions.
Action Requested: For information.
Agenda Item 11.
New Director/Administrator Orientation, ESS Meeting, and SAES/ARD Workshop
Background: The schedule for September meetings is as follows:
Monday, September 24:
1-5pm – New Directors/Administrators Orientation
Tuesday, September 25:
8-noon – Experiment Station Section (ESS) Meeting
1-5pm – SAES/ARD Workshop
Wednesday, September 26:
8-5 – SAES/ARD Workshop
Thursday, September 27:
8-10:30 – SAES/ARD Workshop
11-2 – Regional Meetings (if desired)
2-4 – ESCOP Executive Committee Meeting
(Directors, Associate Directors and Assistant Directors)
Monday, September 24, 2001 – 1:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
1. Organization and Relationships – Darrell Nelson, Director, University of Nebraska
d. Regional Associations
e. Other
1:30 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
2. Budgets – Fred Cholick, Chair-Elect, ESCOP Budget and Legislative Committee, Dean, South Dakota State University and Christina Buch, Director of Budget, CSREES
a. OMB (Executive Budget)
b. Role of Congress
d. Other Federal Agencies (NSF, NIH, EPA, etc.)
e. Advocacy Efforts (NASULGC, CFAR, BAA, AESOP, etc.)
f. Questions and Answers
2:15 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
3. Reporting Requirements/Timing – Tom Helms, Executive Director, Southern Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors
c. Multistate Research Project Portfolios and Management (IMSS and Guidelines for Multistate Research Activities
d. Questions and Answers
3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Break
3:30 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
4. Experiences of a Director-in-Action – Paul Rasmussen, Associate Dean, Utah State University; Richard Jones, Dean for Research, University of Florida; Harold Benson, Research Director, Kentucky State University
a. Clientele groups
b. Legislators and Congressional Staff
c. Internal Politics of University Life
d. State Funding Initiatives
e. Commodity Group Relationships
f. Other
g. Questions and Answers
4:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
5. Farm Bill – David MacKenzie, Executive Director, Northeastern Regional Association of State Agricultural Experiment Station Directors, ESCOP Represenative to the Board on Agriculture Farm Bill Task Force
4:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
6. Cooperative Research Agreements/Intellectual Property – David MacKenzie, Executive Director, Northeastern Regional Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors
4:45 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
7. Open Discussion
September 25-27, 2001
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
Tuesday, September 25, 2001 (1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.)
Session 1 (1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.)
Speaker: Joseph Jen (tentative): A Vision for REE
Moderator: Richard Heimsch, ESCOP Chair-Elect, Director, Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Idaho
Session 2 (2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.)
Value of Formula Funds
Moderator: Charles Scifres, Deputy Director of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and Associate Vice Chancellor for Agriculture and Life Sciences, Texas A&M University System.
Discussants: Wally Huffman, Professor of Agricultural Economics, Iowa State University; Carolyn Brooks, Dean of Agriculture, University of Maryland – Eastern Shore; Arthur Cosby, Director, Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State
Breakout Groups
Open Discussion
Break (3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.)
Wednesday, September 26, 2001 (8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.)
Session 3 (8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.)
Out Year Budgets: What are the Priorities for the SAES/ARD System?
Moderator: Gale Buchanan, Chair, BOA Budget Committee, Dean and Director, University of Georgia
Discussants: Fred Cholick, Chair ESCOP Budget and Legislative Committee, Dean, South Dakota State University; Eric Young, Chair, Planning Committee, Associate Director, North Carolina State University
Breakout Groups
Priority Setting/Consensus Building
Break (10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.)
Session 4 (10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon)
Information Technology Systems: Where Are We?
Moderator: Daryl Lund, Executive Director, North Central Regional Association of State Agricultural Experiment Station Directors
Discussants: CRIS System – Eric Young, Chair, Planning Committee, Associate Director, North Carolina State University; EASE System – Howard Ladewig, Professor and Coordinator, Center for Program Development and Evaluation, University of Florida; IMSS System – Rubie Mize, Assistant to the Executive Director, Northeastern Regional Association of State Agricultural Experiment Station Directors; and REEIS – Cindy Dickinson, Director of Research, Education and Economics Information System
Open Discussion
Lunch (12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m.)
Session 5 (1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.)
2002 Farm Bill: What Are the Priorities for the SAES/ARD System?
Moderator: Milo Shult, Chair, Farm Bill Task Force, Vice President for Agriculture, University of Arkansas
Discussants: David MacKenzie, Executive Director, NE Regional Association; James Wade, Chair of ECOP; Bobby Phills, Chair of ARD Legislative Committee and Council of Presidents Legislative Committee, Research Director, Florida A&M University; Phil Schwab, Science Advisor, CSREES
Breakout Groups
Priority Setting/Consensus Building
Break (3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.)
Session 6 (3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.)
BOA Reorganization
Moderator: Tom Fretz, Past Chair, BOA, Dean, University of Maryland
Discussants: McArthur Floyd, Past ESCOP Chair, Research Director, Alabama A&M University; Mort Neufville, NASULGC, Executive Vice President, Federal Relations-Higher Education; James Wade, ECOP Chair, Associate Dean and Associate Director, University of Maryland
Open Discussion
Planned Program for Dinner
Thursday, September 27, 2001 (8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.)
Session 7 (8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.)
Partnerships: Opportunities
Moderator: DC Coston, Associate Director, Oklahoma State University
Discussants: DC Coston; Colien Hefferan, Administrator, CSREES; Virginia Clark, CFERR/Board on Human Sciences, Dean, College of Human Development and Education, North Dakota State University
Open Discussion: Follow-up on the February 2001 meeting
Synthesis and Follow-Up (10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.)
Regional Meetings (11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.)
Action Requested: For information.
Agenda Item 12.
Indirect Cost Recovery Survey
In meeting discussion: Dr. Helms noted that a seven-question survey originally developed by and distributed to the NorthCentral AES directors has been approved by ESCOP to be conducted in all regions. Dr. Helms will send the survey to Southern Directors. Results from the survey will be for information only and as a basis for comparison when working out contracts.The discussion also included check-off policies and the fact that USDA manages policies regarding check-off monies. Dr. Cooper will find out which agency manages the policies.
Action Requested: For information.
Agenda Item 13.
ARD Report
In meeting discussion: Dr. Donald briefly highlighted activities of the Association of Research Directors (ARD), including plans for the 2003 Symposium. Dr. Helms noted that the symposium attracts a great number of graduate students and provides a wonderful recruiting opportunity for the 1862 schools.
Action Requested: For information.
Agenda Item 14.
ASRED Support
In meeting discussion: Dr. Helms announced that with the concurrence of the agInnovation South Executive Committee, a small percentage of Anna Marie Rasberry’s time is being bought by the Association of Southern Region Extension Directors (ASRED), under direction of Dr. Ron Brown, Executive Director.
Action Requested: For information.
Agenda Item 15.
2003 Spring Meeting
In meeting discussion: It was noted that an item inadvertently omitted in the 2001 spring agenda was official adoption of a meeting location for the 2003 spring meeting.
Action Requested: Approval of Florida as host.
Action Taken: On motion/second by Drs. Arkin/Weidemann, Directors accepted the invitation from Dr. Richard Jones to hold the 2003 spring meeting in Florida. [In subsequent meeting with Extension Directors, it was voted to hold a joint Experiment Station/Extension meeting in 2003.]
Agenda Item 16.
Reminder: 2002 Spring Meeting in Savannah
In meeting discussion: The 2002 spring meeting is scheduled for March 24-26 in Savannah, Georgia. Dr. Cherry encouraged a large attendance with family participation.
Action Requested: For information.
Agenda Item 17.
Financial Review by State
In meeting discussion: Except for the Virgin Islands, all Southern Region states/territories were represented and Directors reported on the financial situation at their respective institution.
Action Requested: For information.
Agenda Item 18.
Future of Land-Grant Meeting
In meeting discussion: Dr. Coston noted that discussions would take place in a subsequent meeting to determine the future of the Southern Region land-grant conference. Directors noted the need for restructuring the meeting to allow more interaction with CARET and for substantive discussions with all entities present. This year’s meeting is attempting to provide better interaction opportunities by inviting all participants on the Saturday tour and by having a general session in which everybody hears reports by CSREES, AESOP, NASULGC, etc.
Action Taken: In the subsequent General Session, Dr. Sam Curl appointed Claude Evans, Oklahoma CARET representative to chair a committee to look at the future of the land-grant conference. Committee members assisting Mr. Evans will be the chairs of the other sections represented: AES, CES, APS, International Programs, 1890 Research, and 1890 Extension.
Agenda Item 19.
Appreciation to Oklahoma Hosts
In meeting discussion: On behalf of agInnovation South, Dr. Brown praised the Oklahoma hosts, D. C. Coston in particular, for the excellent meeting facility, meals, social interaction, tours, and all other aspects of the meeting.
Action Taken: On motion/second by Drs. Jones/Watson, appreciation was heartily endorsed by a round of applause.