[Equivalent to SAES-422]
How to submit an Annual Accomplishments Report:
- For Multistate Research Projects, the Administrative Advisor should submit the report in the National Information Management Support System (NIMSS) database athttp://www.lgu.umd.edu/login.cfm.
- For all other agInnovation South and ASRED activities, the Administrative Advisor(s) should send the report via e-mail to the Executive Directors’ office.
Submission through an AES or CES advisor’s e-mail constitutes signature authority for this information.
This report is submitted each year of an activity’s duration and is due 60 calendar days following the annual meeting.
Report Format:
- Project or Activity Designation and Number: (e.g. SERA1, CC-1, S-111)
- Project or Activity Title:
- Administrative Advisor(s):
- Period Covered: (e.g. 01 99 through 12 99)
- Annual Meeting Dates:
- Participants: Provide a list of those who attended each meeting, their institutions, and their e-mail addresses. As an alternative, list the URL for the meeting minutes if that report contains the list of those who were present. And, if available, add the address for the listserver as well.
- Project or Activity Leadership: List Chair, Chair-elect, Secretary and their e-mail addresses.
- Brief summary of minutes of annual meeting: Provide information with a focus on the decisions made. As an alternative, list the URL for meeting minutes.
- Accomplishments and Impacts: In this section focus on intended outcomes and potential impacts. This information should be built around the activity’s milestones, as they were identified in the original proposal. The report should also reflect on the items that stakeholders want to know, or want to see. Also, describe plans for the coming year in no more than one or two short paragraphs.
- Publications: List publications for current year only.
- Submitted by: Provide name and title.
- Date Submitted: