Summer Meeting Minutes
August 8-9, 1998
Georgia Center for Continuing Education
Athens, GA
Held In Conjunction with Southern Region Mini Land-Grant Meeting
August 10-12, 1998
AES Directors: | David Morrison, LA | Other Participants: |
Jerry Arkin, GA | Don Richardson, TN | Leo Guedry, LSU |
John Beverly, TX | Larry Rogers, LA | Jan Hathcote, Univ. of GA |
Bob Blackmon, AR | Mike Salassi, LA | Terry Nipp, AESOP |
David Boethel, LA | Calvin Schoulties, SC | Mort Neufville, NASULGC |
Greg Brown, VA | Charles Scifres, AR | Jon Ort, NC CES |
Bill Brown, FL | Ike Sewell, TN | Preston Sasser, Cotton Inc. |
Bill Brown, LA | David Teem, AL | William Puckett, NRCS |
Jerry Cherry, GA | Phil Utley, GA | Jay Ritchie, SSRC |
D.C. Coston, OK | Vance Watson, MS | Richard Soper, ARS |
Nancy Cox, MS | Greg Weidemann, AR | |
Rafael Davila, PR | Johnny Wynne, NC | CARET: |
Everett Emino, FL | Eric Young, NC | Paul Brower, GA |
Jim Fischer, SC | Barbara Ann Hughes, NC | |
Frank Gilstrap, TX | ARD: | Debbie Moreland, AR |
Tom Helms, Exec. Dir. | Marvin Burns, Langston Univ. | George Pickhardt, FL |
Richard Jones, FL | Sam Donald, Director, ARD | Bill Smith, KY |
Fred Knapp, KY | Seyoum Gelaye, Fort Valley State | Buck Vandersteen, LA |
Randy Luttrell, AR | B.D. Mayberry, Tuskegee Univ. |
agInnovation South Agenda
Saturday, August 8, 1998 | ||
Agenda Description | ||
Call to Order and Introductions (R. Jones) |
Approval of Agenda, April Meeting Minutes, and Interim Actions of Chair (R. Jones) | |
Nominating Committee Report (D.C. Coston) | |
Southern Regional Research Committee (J. Britt) | |
Ad-Hoc Committee Report on Web Guidelines for Project Homepages (V. Watson) | |
Capsule of September SAES/ARD Workshop and Meetings (T. Helms) | |
Liaison Reports: | |
Association of Research Directors (ARD) Report
Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Report
Cooperative Extension Service (CES) Report
Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Report
Southern Rural Development Center (SRDC) Report
Southern Region Data Support System (SSRC Representative) | |
9. | Formula Funding (T. Helms) | |
Cotton Incorporated (P. Sasser) | |
Lunch | |
ESCOP Reports |
SUNEI Referendum (G. Arkin) | |
Featured Research Presentation — The Food Safety Connection: A National Partnership Among Academia, Industry, and Government (M. Doyle) | |
Southern Region Image Enhancement (L. Rogers) | |
CSREES Report and Update of Paperless Management (G. Cooper) | |
Adjourn | |
Sunday, August 9, 1998 | ||
Setting Priorities for the Southern Region (E. Young) |
Adjourn | |
Lunch | |
Joint Experiment Station / Extension Meeting |
18. | Final Announcements and Adjournment (R. Jones) |
Action Items:
- Minutes and interim actions were approved as presented. (Agenda Item 2)
- Dr. Vance Watson was unanimously elected to serve as Chair Elect beginning November, 1998. (Agenda Item 3)
- Guidelines for homepages of regional activities were approved as presented with additions as follows: 1) project homepages should include a hotlink back to the Association homepage; 2) for an unspecified time, project homepages will be optional but in the future will become mandantory. In addition, Dr. George Cooper, CSREES/Partnerships, indicated that notification of posting of annual meeting minutes and annual reports on project homepage will satisfy the required “transmittal” of such to CSREES. (Agenda Item 5)
- An ad-hoc committee to work with Cotton Incorporated was appointed as follows: Larry Rogers (LA)-Chair, Frank Gilstrap (TX), Nancy Cox (MS), and Everett Emino (FL). (Agenda Item 10)
Agenda Item 1
Call to Order and Introductions
The annual summer meeting of the Southern Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors will be called to order by Chair, Richard L. Jones. Participants will introduce themselves.
Action Requested
For information only.
Action Taken
The breakdown of participation is as follows: 31 AES Directors, 4 ARD members, 6 CARET delegates, and 9 individuals representing various agencies and associations.
Agenda Item 2
Approval of Agenda, April Meeting Minutes, and Interim Actions of Chair and Executive Committee
Agenda: All members were notified in advance of the meeting that agenda briefs were available on the Association homepage for review. Additions to the agenda will be considered.
Minutes of the April 19-22 meeting held in Oklahoma City are on the homepage for review. Directors were notified in April of their availability.
Interim Actions of the Chair and Executive Committee are as follows:
- Appointed Dr. Tom Klindt to serve as Administrative Advisor to DC 98-05 entitled “Rural Labor Markets in the South: Workers, Firms and Communities in Transition.”
- Submitted nominees to SRDC from agInnovation South to represent the Experiment Station on the SRDC Technical Advisory Board.
- Letter to CSREES approving the proposal for renewal of NRSP-4 entitled “A National Agricultural Program to Clear Pest control Agents for Minor Uses.”
- Letter to CSREES approving the proposal for renewal of NRSP-7 entitled “A National Agricultural Program to Approve Animal Drugs for Minor Species and Uses.”
- Letter to CSREES approving the proposal for renewal of NRSP-8 entitled “National Animal Genome Research Program.”
- Letter to CSREES approving the proposal for renewal of S-009 entitled “Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Utilization.”
- Letter to CSREES regarding decisions by agInnovation South concerning off-the-top FY99 funding for National Research Support Projects.
- Letter to CSREES approving off-the-top funding for S-009 entitled “Plant Genetic Resource Conservation and Utilization.”
- Transmitted concerns regarding comprehensive, on-site review of NRSP-6 to Dr. Richard Lower, lead Administrative Advisor of NRSP-6.
- Letter to CSREES, submitting corrections to S-285 (S-231 replacement) entitled “Reproductive Performance of Turkeys.”
- Appointed Drs. Vance Watson, William Brown, Everett Emino, Ike Sewell and Helen Shaw, to serve as an Ad Hoc Committee, with Dr. Watson as Chair, to Develop Guidelines for Homepages.
- Appointed Dr. Tom Scott as the Administrative Advisor to DC 97-07 entitled “Genetic Relationships to Growth and Reproduction in Diverse Poultry Populations,” replacing Dr. Don Richardson.
- Requested Nominating Committee, Drs. D. C. Coston, Jerry Arkin and Johnny Wynne, to select nominee for the position of Chair-Elect caused by Dr. Jim Boling’s reassignment.
- Approved Southern Cooperative Series Bulletin #390 for “International Market Forces and Southern Agriculture” originating from S-256.
- Appointed Dr. Jerry Cherry as Chair-Elect, agInnovation South, effective November, 1998, replacing Dr. Jim Boling.
- Requested CSREES approval of DC 97-05 (S-222), “Fruit and Vegetable Supply-Chain Management, Innovations, and Competitiveness”, as a regional project upon recommendation by SRRC.
- Requested CSREES approval of DC 97-09 (S-254), “Herbicide Persistence in Southern Soils: Bioavailable Concentration and Effect on Sensitive Rotational Crops”, as a regional project upon recommendation by SRRC.
- Requested CSREES approval of DC 97-11 (S-256), “Impacts of Trade Agreements and Economic Policies on Southern Agriculture”, as a regional project upon recommendation by SRRC.
- Appointed Dr. William Brown to replace Dr. Jim Boling as member of Southern Rural Development Center Board of Director.
- Appointed Dr. Nancy Cox to replace Dr. Jim Boling as Administrative Advisor for DC97-02/S-145, “Nutritional Systems for Swine to Increase Reproductive Efficiency.”
- Appointed Dr. John Dooley to replace Dr. Jim Boling as Administrative Advisor for S-278, “Food Demand, Nutrition and Consumer Behavior.”
- Appointed Dr. Jerry Cherry to replace Dr. Jim Boling as Administrative Advisor for NRSP-8, “National Animal Genome Research Program.”
- Appointed Dr. David Morrison to replace Dr. Jim Boling as Administrative Advisor for AC-2, “Animal Science Advisory Committee.”
Action Requested
Action Taken
On motion and second by Drs. Coston/Cherry, minutes and interim actions were approved as presented.
Agenda Item 3
Nominating Committee Report
The Association’s Chair-Elect, Dr. Jim Boling, left the ranks of the agInnovation South effective July 1 to assume a new position as Vice-Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies at the University of Kentucky. Dr. Jerry Cherry, who was to serve as Chair-Elect for 1999, has agreed to fill the Chair-Elect position immediately and then to assume the position as chair for 1999. A new Chair-Elect for 1999 must be selected to begin that term of office in November.
Action Requested
Selection of new Chair-Elect.
Action Taken
The nominating committee placed the name of Dr. Vance Watson in nomination. There being no nominations from the floor, Dr. Watson was unanimously elected to serve as Chair Elect beginning November, 1998. |
Agenda Item 4
Southern Regional Research Committee Report
The Southern Regional Research Committee presents the following report of recent activities:
Projects reviewed by SRRC, submitted to Chair of agInnovation South and pending approval by CSREES.
- Herbicide Persistence in Southern Soils: Bioavailable Concentration and Effect on Sensitive Rotational Crops
- Administrative Advisor: Charles J. Scifres
- Old project number: S-254
- Development committee number: 97-09
- Date submitted to Chair of agInnovation South: 7/13/98
- New project number: Pending
- Fruit and Vegetable Supply-Chain Management, Innovations, and Competitiveness
- Administrative Advisor: Everett R. Emino
- Old project number: S-222
- Development committee number: 97-05
- Date submitted to Chair of agInnovation South: 7/13/98
- New project number: Pending
- Impacts of Trade Agreements and Economic Policies on Southern Agriculture
- Administrative Advisor: Thomas H. Klindt
- Old project number: S-256
- Development committee number: 97-11
- Date submitted to Chair of agInnovation South: 7/22/98
- New project number: Pending
Projects currently under review by SRRC.
- Development of New Processes and Technologies for the Processing of Poultry Products
- Administrative Advisor: Jerry A. Cherry
- Old project number: N/A
- Development committee number: 97-13
- Date submitted to Chair of agInnovation South:
- New project number: Pending
- Note: The Project Outline is undergoing revision following review by SRRC.
- Nutritional Systems for Swine to Increase Reproductive Efficiency
- Administrative Advisor: James A. Boling
- Old project number: S-145
- Development committee number: 97-02
- Date submitted to Chair of agInnovation South:
- New project number: Pending
- Note: The Project Outline is undergoing revision following review by SRRC.
Action Requested
For information
Action Taken
It was noted that since receipt of this report, the S-254 replacement project has been approved as S-286 for a period of three years. The S-222 replacement project was also approved but due to an oversight, and contrary to agInnovation South policy, it was approved as a revision and will thus retain the same number.
Agenda Item 5
Ad-Hoc Committee Report on Web Guidelines for Project Homepages
During the Spring, 1998 meeting, Chair Jones appointed an ad-hoc committee to develop guidelines for webpages of agInnovation South activities. The committee consisted of Vance Watson (MS), Chair, William Brown (LA), Everett Emino (FL), Ike Sewell (TN), and Helen Shaw (NC).
Action Requested
Approval of guidelines as presented by committee.
Action Taken
The following was presented:
BACKGROUND: In July 1995, the Southern Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors agreed to cease paper publication of its Southern Cooperative Series Bulletins and operational documents and publish them electronically on the World Wide Web. Consistent with this intent to move toward a paperless management system, these guidelines are presented to serve for establishment of home pages for regional research projects, IEG’s, and SERA’s in the Southern region.
GOAL: To have an easily accessible system and common repository for information such as membership lists, abbreviated history, project objectives, minutes, annual reports, and publications associated with regional research projects, IEG’s and SERA’s.
1. Each administrative advisor should encourage development of a home page by the regional research project, IEG, and SERA with which he or she serves.
2. The page should be based at the location of the person who maintains the home page or the administrative advisor, linked to the agInnovation South page, and should be kept current.
3. Pages should be concise and contain the following information:
a. Title and number of regional research project, IEG, or SERA.
b. Project/group objectives.
c. Abbreviated history, background, and justification. (1-3 paragraphs).
d. Membership list including telephone, fax, and e-mail addresses, and identification of officers and experiment station, extension, and CSREES advisors.
e. Announcements of meeting dates and sites.
f. Significant changes and accomplishments listed in bullet format.
g. Minutes of meetings. (In initial page construction, 5 years of minutes should be included if available.)
h. Publications related to the regional research project, IEG, or SERA should be listed and linked to the page.
i. The agInnovation South header should be included at the top of the page to identify the effort as a southern region activity.
j. Indication of last update and who is responsible for the page should be included.
1. The administrative advisor should encourage all page-related activity to be developed by the secretary, other officer, or appointed member of the regional research project, IEG, or SERA and to be transmitted electronically to the base location for posting on the web.
2. Several URL sites for exchange groups and regional projects are already posted on the agInnovation South page. Refer to the IEG 33, IEG 61, and S-268 sites as examples.
3. Development of a list serve which provides the opportunity for a discussion group is encouraged.
4. The agInnovation South office is encouraged to provide an easier method of locating the pages related to regional research projects, IEG’s, or SERA’s, such as having one of the subject boxes on the agInnovation South page say regional research projects, IEG, and SERA links.
On motion/second by Drs. Emino/Coston, the guidelines as presented were approved with additions as follows: 1) project homepages should include a hotlink back to the Association homepage; 2) for an unspecified time, project homepages will be optional but in the future will become mandantory. In addition, Dr. George Cooper, CSREES/Partnerships, indicated that notification of posting of annual meeting minutes and annual reports on project homepage will satisfy the required “transmittal” of such to CSREES. |
Project homepage guidelines will be posted on the agInnovation South homepage in the Infobook.
Agenda Item 6
Capsule of September SAES/ARD Workshop and Meetings
Three meetings are scheduled as a part of the SAES/ARD Workshop in Kansas City, Missouri on September 22-24. These meetings are:
1) Regional association meetings (8-12, September 22);
2) SAES/ARD Workshop (1pm, September 22 until noon, September 24); and
3) Experiment Station Section (ESS) meeting (1-5, September 24). The ESS meeting will replace the meeting previously held in conjunction with NASULGC at their fall meeting.
The meetings will be held at the Kansas City Airport Hilton in Kansas City, Missouri. A block of rooms is being held until Friday, August 21, 1998 under the name “SAES Workshop” or “University of Wisconsin” for a rate of $88 plus tax. A registration fee of $300 is due by Friday , August 21. Additional information on lodging and registration has previously been distributed via e-mail. Contact the Executive Director’s Office if more information and/or a registration form is needed.
Action Requested
For discussion and further development of regional association meeting.
Action Taken
There will only be a meeting of the agInnovation South Executive Committee, if needed, during the time slot reserved for regional associations. Otherwise, Directors are encouraged to participate in the SAES/ARD Workshop and the ESS meeting.
Agenda Item 7a.
Association of Research Directors (ARD) Report
Action Taken
Dr. Donald gave a brief update of activities of the 1890 Research Directors including plans for a Millenium celebration as part of their Twelfth Symposium of ARD in Washington in April, 2000.
Agenda Item 7b.
Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Report
Action Taken
Dr. Soper briefly discussed changes in personnel within ARS, budget considerations, and program structure.
Agenda Item 7c.
Cooperative Extension Service (CES) Report
Dr. Jon Ort, Director of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, serves as the official liaison between CES and the agInnovation South. Dr. Ort will provide an update on activities of the Association of Southern Region Extension Directors (ASRED).
Action Requested
For information.
Action Taken
Dr. Ort distributed a handout (available from ED’s office) outlining key items from ASRED’s spring meeting and additional items of importance. One of these additional items concerned the ongoing work of ASRED to strengthen partnership with NRCS and EPA. Current issues with these groups are implementing water quality and waste management efforts. Drs. Hefferen and Walla are working on a national initiative for development of waste management plans.
Agenda Item 7d.
Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Report
The Natural Resource Conservation Service has recently provided the agInnovation South an official liaison, Dr. William Puckett, Soil Scientist with NRCS in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Puckett will present additional details regarding the following:
The partnership has been in transition since the creation and reorganization of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in 1994. A serendipitous effect of the reorganization was that the partnership had to reevaluate its mission, vision, and goals of why it exists. Several other factors magnified the effects of reorganization and a few of those are listed below:
- Near completion of the traditional “once-over” soil survey,
- Reduced Federal and State funds for traditional soil survey activities,
- Reduced job market for soil science graduates,
- Shift to a more “Holistic Environmental Curriculum”, and
- Lack of marketing about the benefits of the partnership.
These are just a few of the issues that were discussed by the partnership and used to “Map Our Future Together.”
As background information in support of the theme, the group was presented a summary of a recently completed NRCS national soils program evaluation. The NRCS conducted and completed a comprehensive evaluation of its soils program and the National Cooperative Soil Survey Partnership in fiscal year 1997. The objectives of the evaluation were to determine the effects of reorganization on the partnership, assess the current status of the soils program, and assess customer satisfaction with the products and services being delivered. The review was national in scope and took four months to complete.
Faculty members from nine land grant universities in the Southeast were part of the partners interviewed. Forty-five percent of all partners interviewed believed that reorganization had benefited the soil survey program. However, 37% thought it was too early to tell if the new structure was more effective than the old. The main concerns were that roles and responsibilities of the new structure were not effectively communicated, partners had limited input, communications were more complex, and faculty members received very little credit for work with the partnership.
Interviews with both internal and external customers identified several key products and services that were currently needed. The top five products and services were digital soils data, easier access to data, more flexibility in publishing soil surveys, timely delivery of data, and better on-site investigation capabilities. Interviewees were also asked to identify future soil data needs and the top five are listed below.
- Develop more precise and useful soil interpretations for urban areas
- Quantify soil map unit and landscape variability
- Complete linkages between soil management and quality
- Develop better soil interpretations for rangelands, riparian zones, altered landscapes, etc.
- Soil hydrology and climate data
The partners made several recommendations on how NRCS could improve the partnership, of which only three will be presented. The first recommendation was to reestablish the National Cooperative Soil Survey Advisory Committee, which was done and in fact met last week. The second recommendation was for NRCS to communicate more effectively with the administrators of land grant colleges and universities to reaffirm their roles in the partnership and its importance. The last recommendation was for NRCS to more effectively communicate its research needs and to implement a better system for advertising grants and proposals. Issues’ two and three are currently under review and should be finalized soon.
Another item of business covered during the conference was the establishment of two new committees. The first committee established was the “Southern Regional Research Needs Committee” and the second was the “Regional Technical Committee for Hydric Soils.” Both are actually subcommittees of larger national committees. The committee members need the support of the Agriculture Experiment Station Directors for time and funds to effectively carryout their assigned tasks.
A report and an analysis of several breakout sessions conducted during the meeting should be available in the near future. This document will be an important tool as we identify, define, and implement new roles and responsibilities for the partnership. It is extremely important that the Southern Region Cooperative Soil Survey Partnership have a unified purpose and vision as the next millennium approaches. Several challenges lay ahead that can only be solved by working together as closely in the future as we did in the past.
Action Requested
For information.
Action Taken
Dr. Puckett presented slides (copy available from ED’s office) outlining the points above.
Agenda Item 7e.
Southern Rural Development Center (SRDC) Report
The following update of activities is presented:
SRDC Board of Directors
(1) Dr. Bill Brown, Louisiana State University, has been appointed to serve the unexpired term of Dr. Jim Boling on the SRDC Board of Directors. Dr. Boling has taken a new position at the University of Kentucky.
(2) For the first time in the 25-year history of the regional rural development centers, the Boards from each of the four regional centers will be meeting jointly to discuss common Center issues and to strategically plan future direction for joint programming. This joint meeting will be held September 25-27.
SRDC Technical Advisory Committee
The following persons have been appointed by the respective regional organizations to participate on the newly-formed Technical Advisory Committee. The first meeting of the TAC will be held August 20-21 on the campus of Mississippi State University.
- 1862 Research Representatives
- Gerald Doeksen, Oklahoma State University
- Lori Garkovich, University of Kentucky
- Pam Moore, Louisiana State University
- 1862 Extension Representatives
- Chris Sieverdes, Clemson University
- Beth Duncan, Mississippi State University
- Leon Danielson, North Carolina State University
- 1890 Research Representatives
- Alton Thompson, North Carolina A&T State University
- Bernestine McGee, Southern University
- Ntam Baharanyi, Tuskegee University
- 1890 Extension Representatives (to be named)
- Non Land-Grant Representatives
- Ken Fern, Southern Legislative Conference
- George Dick, Southeast Regional Directors Institute
- Debby Warren, Southern Rural Development Initiative
Regional Research Involvement
(1) SERA-IEG-19, Rural Health and Safety–This group will be meeting October 8 and 9 in Atlanta and will focus on the research and education issues of Managed Care.
(2) DC 98-04, Assessing Impacts of Welfare Reform on Individual, Family and Community Well-Being: A Focus on the Rural South–The organizational meeting of this Development Committee will be held October 15 and 16 in Nashville.
(3) Rural Labor Markets Conference. TVA Rural Studies and Economic Research Service have provided funds to support a regional conference scheduled for October 1 and 2 in New Orleans. The purpose of the conference is to take a hard look at the nature of labor markets in the South.
Action Requested
For information.
Agenda Item 8
Southern Region Data Support System
The agInnovation South’s initial cooperative agreement with the Social Science Research Center (SSRC) at Mississippi State University to fund a Southern Region Data Support System began October 1, 1996 and terminated June 30, 1998. As requested by Directors, a full report of activities accomplished as a part of this agreement will be presented.
Action Requested
For information
Action Taken
A summary was given (copy available in ED’s office) of presentations and datasets compiled as a part of this contract with agInnovation South. Directors expressed interest in having regional maps of station locations, etc. available on the web.
Agenda Item 9
Formula Funding
The decline of formula funds is of grave concern and is being discussed by each regional association during summer meetings. It is felt that a strong case could be made nationally to increase base funding using the regional research program as the driving force. The Chair of the Western Association, Dr. Jim Carlson (WA), suggested several questions for consideration by the associations:
- Can a national effort be organized to have stakeholders explain the value of regional research and use this as a mechanism to increase formula funds? Examples of why funds are needed include the NRSP projects. For years, NRSP funding has been approved at “last year’s funding level minus any decrease in CSREES base funds.” These projects are in need of renovation, new equipment, staff enhancements, and more operating funds.
- Can regional research projects be used to showcase projects so as to provide evidence that the regional research program already supports the Farm Bill emphasis toward more multi-state-regional collaboration, more multi-disciplinary and multi-functional activities? An infrastructure is already in place to strengthen and expand these efforts to help Congress accomplish this goal.
Action Requested
Action Taken
Dr. Helms encouraged directors to involve their Congressional members in activities that showcase the value of increasing formula funds.
Agenda Item 10
Cotton Incorporated
As a followup to discussions at the spring agInnovation South meeting in Oklahoma City, during which concerns were raised about intellectual property ownership issues in the new Cotton Incorporated contracts, Dr. Preston Sasser will present views of Cotton Incorporated. Dr. Sasser is Senior Vice President and Managing Director of Research for the organization.
Action Requested
Action Taken
Dr. Sasser presented a slide series (copy available in ED’s office) on organization structure, research summary and position on cooperative agreements. Ensuing discussions precipitated the naming of a committee to work with Cotton Incorporated on basic principles/guidelines under which cooperative agreements between Southern Region AES and Cotton Incorporated would be discussed including issues such as intellectual property, royalty rates, and due diligence.
Chair Richard Jones appointed the following ad-hoc committee to work with Cotton Incorporated: Larry Rogers (LA)-Chair, Frank Gilstrap (TX), Nancy Cox (MS), and Everett Emino (FL). |
Agenda Item 11
ESCOP Reports
Brief reports on the following ESCOP activities will be presented:
- Executive SubCommittee – D. C. Coston
- Budget Development SubCommittee – Johnny Wynne
- Strategic Planning SubCommittee – Richard Jones
Action Requested
For information only.
Action Taken
Dr. Coston distributed information (copy available from ED’s office) relative to the implementation of the Agric. REE Reform Act. Handouts included were: 1) Outline of work groups established and nominations for groups, 2) Analysis of changes , and 3) Chart of implementation strategies of relevant sections of the new bill.
Agenda Item 12
SUNEI Referendum Update
ESCOP, during its July 22, 1998, meeting in Asheville, North Carolina, approved a request from the Environmental Affairs Subcommittee for an Experiment Station Section (ESS) referendum during late August and September 1998 to consider renewing the National Environmental Initiative assessment for a period of three years (January 1, 1999 to December 31, 2001). NASULGC will be sending each Experiment Station Director a ballot for their Station.
The request for the ESS National Environmental Initiative referendum can be found on the ESCOP home page at the following web site:
Action Requested
For information and discussion.
Action Taken
Dr. Arkin’s brief report included examples of activities that are facilitated by the initiative and discussed ways that the initiative intends to become self supporting at the end of the assessment period.
Agenda Item 13
Featured Research Presentation:
The Food Safety Connection: A National Partnership Among Academia, Industry, and Government
During the 1998 Secretary of Agriculture Honors’ Award Program held recently in Washington, Dr. Michael P. Doyle, University of Georgia, was presented the Silver Plow Honor Award for Personal and Professional Excellence. Secretary Glickman sited Dr. Doyle’s achievements “for internationally esteemed leadership in food safety, and pioneering research in detecting and controlling harmful bacteria associated with foods”. The Association is honored to have Dr. Doyle give a brief presentation.
Action Requested
For information
Agenda Item 14
Southern Region Image Enhancement
The Southern Region Image Enhancement effort, which initially began as a Task Force, has been approved to continue as a joint Extension/Research Information Exchange Group (SERA-IEG-28). The Administrative Advisors, Dr. Larry Rogers (LA) for the Experiment Station and Dr. Clark Jones (VA) for Extension, request input from directors relating to:
- participants named from each station; and
- guidance on regional impact statements (how many should be printed, how should they be distributed, how printing and distribution costs should be shared, etc.)
Action Requested
For discussion.
Action Taken
Directors were asked to review their stations’ representatives on the SERA-IEG and consider making new appointments as needed now that the activity has been through one cycle of producing the regional impact statements and expectations are more clearly defined. Dr. Rogers also asked for ideas on how future “Southern Successes” should be distributed and who should pay for the printing costs. No definitive answers to these questions were forthcoming. Dr. Rogers also noted that he is considering having a booth at the Sunbelt Agricultural Expo in October that will highlight the impact statements produced by the regional team.
Agenda Item 15
CSREES Report and Update on Paperless Management
Efforts to transform the regional research program to a paperless management system have been on-going since early 1998. Plans are to have a new system ready for beta testing by early fall. Four stations from the southern region have been asked to participate in this testing process. The cooperating stations will be Arkansas (Dr. Greg Weidemann), Louisiana (Dr. Bill Brown), Mississippi (Dr. Nancy Cox), and North Carolina (Dr. Eric Young). Questions that continue to surface as this web-based system is developed involve issues of public access to project information and limitations of access to projects’ financial information.
Action Requested
For information.
Action Taken
Dr. Cooper distributed a handout (copy available from ED’s office) highlighting the activities within the various CSREES departments. Specifically, three topics were called to the attention of directors: 1) New initiative and listening sessions, 2) New Video Magazine by CTDE, and 3) FY99 House Floor Action Plan.
Agenda Item 16
Setting Priorities for the Southern Region
As a followup to discussions during the spring meeting in Oklahoma City, the agInnovation South will engage in an exercise to determine priorities for the Southern Region. Advanced compilation and analysis of state and regional data will facilitate an outcome with specific actions.
Action Requested
For discussion and approval.
Action Taken
Rather than focusing on specific outcomes under the existing agInnovation South Strategic Plan, the committee that was appointed by Chair Richard Jones after the spring meeting was charged with leading the Association through a process to develop a new Plan that was congruent with aspects of the newly authorized Farm Bill. The committee consisted of Eric Young, Chair, and members Fischer, Jubb, and Scifres.
Several handouts were distributed: 1) “agInnovation South Planning Process” outlining agInnovation South mission, recent planning history, goals of the planning process, organization of planning committee, planning results-outputs, and implementation plans; and 2) “Strategic Planning for Northeastern Regional Research – A White Paper”. (Copies of handouts available from ED’s office).
During discussions, input was received from Dr. Terry Nipp, AESOP Enterprises, primarily concerning aspects of implementation of the new Bill. Six CARET delegates joined the discussions with ideas on how the benefits of regional research could be more effectively marketed and how stakeholder input into the planning process might be generated.
Notes taken during this session are available on the agInnovation South homepage in the “Southern Directors” section. The committee asked for review of notes and additional input prior to further work on the planning process. The committee will meet during the SAES/ARD workshop in September and additional plans and ideas will be brought to the spring, 1999 meeting of Southern Directors.
Agenda Item 17
Joint Experiment Station / Extension Service Meeting
Discussion Items:
- The Farm Bill (C. Hefferan)
- Title VIII Implementation (T. Nipp, AESOP Enterprises)
- 21st Century Land-Grant Universities: Action on Issues (J. Fischer)
- ADEC (Distance Education Consortium) report (J. Poley)
Action Requested
For information
Agenda Item 18
Final Announcements and Adjournment
Any additional business and announcements will be conducted prior to adjournment.
Action Requested
For information
Action Taken
Meeting adjourned with no additional business or announcements.