Southern Association of
Agricultural Experiment Station Directors
Executive Commitee Meeting
November 16, 1996
(In Conjuction with NASULGC)
San Diego, California

Directors Present:
Jerry Arkin (GA), Immediate Past Chair
James Boling (KY), Executive Committee Member at Large
D. C. Coston (OK), Chair
James Fischer (SC)
T. J. Helms, Executive Director
Richard Jones (FL), Chair-Elect
Thomas Klindt (TN)
John Nielson (FL)

Agenda Items

  1. Approval of and Additions to Agenda………..D. C. Coston
  2. Development of ESCOP/ECOP Impact and Accomplishment Statements…………Tom Helms
  3. ESCOP Environmental Affairs Report…………Jerry Arkin
  4. SRRC Report…………Tom Helms for Ike Sewell
  5. Committee of Nine replacement…………D. C. Coston
  6. Policy regarding publication issues (SERA-IEG, etc.)…………Tom Helms
  7. Review of Assignments…………D. C. Coston
  8. Strategic Plan Implementation – preparation for February and April meeting…………Richard Jones
  9. agInnovation South Meeting during SAAS…………D. C. Coston
  10. Adjournment…………D. C. Coston

Agenda Item:

  1. Agenda as amended (to include Item #9) was approved.
  2. Joint ESCOP/ECOP Image Enhancement Project was reviewed by T. Helms. Image Enhancement activities for 1997 will be conducted the same as for 1996. Information related to the project should be forthcoming from Dr. David King (Purdue). Directors are reminded that a proposal for establishing regional image enhancement groups was approved during the joint ESCOP/ECOP last August. Regional image enhancement activity was reviewed with the Southern Extension Directors (ASRED) during their September meeting. The Southern Extension Directors approved the concept of conducting this activity via a SERA-TF [SERA-TF-10].R. Jones moved to approve the SERA-TF, seconded by J. Arkin. Motion passed.
    [In addition to placing this motion in the minutes, it will be distributed to Directors by electronic mail for approval so that we may proceed with establishment of this joint activity. Directors are requested to provide their responses promptly.]
  3. ESCOP Environmental Affairs Committee activities were reviewed by J. Arkin. A full report will appear in the minutes from the Experiment Station Section.
  4. SSRC report noted the following actions:
    • Projects Approved by CSREES:S-270: Utilizing Potassium Buffering Capacity to Predict Cotton Yield Response to potassium Fertilizer; Developed under DC 93-06; New Project.
      S-271: Solid-Phase Extraction Techniques for Pesticides in Water Samples; Developed under DC 94-07; New Project.
      S-272: Development of Textile Materials for Environmental Compatibility and Human Health and Safety; Developed under DC 95-06 to replace S-250.
    • Projects Passing SRRC Review and Submitted to Chair, agInnovation South:DC 95-02 to replace S-242: Integrated Management of Arthropod Pests of Livestock and Poultry
    • Projects Reviewed by SRRC and Returned to Administrative Advisor for Changes:DC 94-01 to Replace S-239: Animal Manure and Waste Utilization, Treatment, and Nuisance Avoidance for a Sustainable Agriculture.
      DC 94-04 to Replace S-246: Rural Restructuring: Causes and Consequences of Globalized Agricultural and Natural Resource Systems
      DC 95-05 to Replace S-249: Development and Application of Comprehensive Agricultural Ecosystems Models
    • Project Sent to SRRC Chair and Returned to Administrative Advisor before Submission to SRRC:DC 95-03 to replace S-243: Subtropically Adapted Sire Breed and Maternal Additive Genetic Influences on Cow Reproduction and Maternal Performance
    • Development Committees Terminating 1997 Not Yet Submitting Proposals to SSRC:95-01 (New Project): Integrated Management of Plant Diseases
      95-04 to replace S-248: Improving Reproductive Efficiency of Cattle
  5. Appointment of C-9 replacement task force. [Reference B. Robinson electronic mail dated 10/18/96].
  6. agInnovation South Publication Policy: In response to a request from SERA-IEG 17 regarding a proposed series of publications, the Executive Committee recommended strict adherence to our current policy related to electronic publication. This action does not deny such groups the option to electronically publish their work via a report series. In addition, members of SERA-IEG 17 are encouraged to seek other sponsors such as the Potash Institute.
  7. D. Coston lead the discussion on Directors’ assignments. Several changes will be required as the result of resignations and retirements. New assignments will appear on the WWW as they are confirmed.
  8. Strategic Plan Implementation: R. Jones lead discussion related to the approach to be taken during the February meeting. Additional information will be developed for review by Directors prior to the meeting.
  9. Meeting in conjunction with the annual meeting of SAAS: As determined earlier this year, the Association will hold only two full meetings each year in April and in conjunction with the Mini-Landgrant Meeting in July or August. Other meetings may be called on an as-needed basis to discuss critical business matters or for discussion of special topical issues such as strategic planning. A topical meeting on Strategic Planning has been called for Monday, February 3, 1997, during the annual meeting of SAAS.
  10. Adjournment.